Behind the Florist's Shop
Snapdragon lives behind the florist’s shop in a den of imperfect blooms. The press of the flowers keeps him warm at night.
The Greenhouse, Part 2
He has found another love. A better love. He still visits the greenhouse, still passes time trimming back the greenery so that it cannot...
Winter's End, Part 10
Spring tries to summon the memory of warmth to keep her steady, but it is feeble and fades in and out.
Gods of the Storm
The storm was rolling down from the mountain, grey clouds heavy with rain cresting the slate-coloured peaks and swallowing them whole...
Winter's End, Part 9
She clasps her hands together, allowing the brightness to all but blind her, and implores Summer to let her pass safely through her...
Speaking in Flowers
All the townsfolk are abed and asleep save for those who rise at sunset and grow lethargic at the sun's return. Oh, and Timothy...
Winter's End, Part 8
It is by chance that Spring hears the truth of Winter’s death. The villagers no longer hold the festival of Turning in her name...
Crab Apples
I plunder crab apples from the wayside. They are small and round, each one fitting neatly into the palm of my hand. I hold them up to the...
Winter's End, Part 7
The world is at odds with itself. She knows it even before she opens her eyes. The air is not so cold...
Ducks and Ladybirds
The god of this world wears red wellington boots. There are black spots up the sides and the bright white eyes of a ladybird painted...
Winter's End, Part 6
She dreams of Winter. His blue eyes, his frosted beard, the hint of softness beneath the frozen exterior and hard lines made by...
Hickory Tea
Hickory runs a teashop on the dark side of town, but there is nothing dark about it...
Winter's End, Part 5
Time moves on and so does Spring. She readies the land until it is bursting with rich nutrients and oversees from afar the ploughing...
A Collection of Midnights
The warlock, Vadimas, had no love for the sun and jealously hoarded his midnights so that he might always live in darkness...
Winter's End, Part 4
It is a beautiful crown – perhaps her favourite of all the thousands she has crafted over the...
Nothing Human
Dawn breaks with its usual chorus of birdsong, but today it is accompanied by the pitiful weeping of a mother...
Winter's End, Part 3
She turns from the shrine with flowers in hand and continues down the mountainside. Her cloak trails behind in the snow...
The Balcony, Part 2
A high wind gathers up her skirts and wraps them tight about her legs, tears through the braid of her hair...
Winter's End, Part 2
She feels the moment his rule ends like a thousand bolts of light to the heart, and they break her from her dawn reverie...
The Mortal Feast, Part 2
The guise of life returns to the ruined hall and so the children of Death wake with new creations in their twisted minds...